c++ - How to properly define a move constructor? -

i did search internet , found 3 ways of defining move constructor:

  1. relying on compiler:

    t(t&& other) = default; 
  2. dereference this pointer:

    t(t&& other) {   *this = std::move(other); } 
  3. explicitly reassign members:

    t(t&& other) {   t.a = other.a;   t.b = other.b;   //... } 

which 1 proper way ? (and second 1 correct?)

the proper generic way move-construct each member, that's defauted version anyway:

t(t && rhs) : a(std::move(rhs.a)) , b(std::move(rhs.b)) {  } 

as rough rule, should use default definition if need, , should write ex­pli­cit move constructor if you're doing ex­pli­citly implements move semantics, such unique-ownership resource manager:

urm(urm && rhs) : resource(rhs.resource) {     rhs.resource = nullptr; } 

the indicator whether appropriate whether class has user-defined de­struc­tor. in example, destructor release managed resource, , must happen once, moved-from object must modified.

this unrelated, since mentioning assignment operator, here's popular swap-and-assign/swap idiom:

void swap(urm & rhs) noexcept      // assume members noexcept-swappable! {     using std::swap;     swap(resource, rhs.resource);     // ... }  urm & operator=(urm rhs) noexcept  // pass value {     rhs.swap(*this);     return *this; } 

the beauty of approach need 1 single version of assignment operator works temporaries , non-temporaries alike, using move construction when appropriate, , long members well-designed, need 1 single swap function. on top of that, if swap function doesn't throw (which well-designed class should allow), assignment operator doesn't throw, since possible exceptions occur @ call site.


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