c# - Using XmlSerializer and setting root class name -

trying work xmlserializer nicely deserialize stuff webservice.

here class declaration:

[serializable]     public class carrierlookupresponse     {         [xmlelement(elementname = "responsedo")]         public responsedo responsedo { get; set; }     } 

here how xml looks:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <carrierservice.carrierlookup>   <responsedo>     <status>approved</status>     <action>ok</action>     <code>sfw00389</code>     <displaymsg></displaymsg>     <techmsg></techmsg>   </responsedo> 

here code use deserialize:

var serializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(carrierlookupresponse));             var carrierlookupresponse = serializer.deserialize(new stringreader(response.key)) carrierlookupresponse; 

problem simple. service returns "carrierservice.carrierlookup" , need force deserialize "carrierlookupresponse"

i can't put xmlelement attribute on class itself, have no idea how map name properly.

have tried xmlroot attribute?

    [serializable]     [xmlroot("carrierservice.carrierlookup")]      public class carrierlookupresponse     {     ... 


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