Client Server Communication in Android for Accounting App -

i working on business accounting app in android, contain information company details, products, prices, transactions, etc . hence server have many mysql tables, want android app communicate server authentication, retrieve information , store information quickly, crud etc.

i have googled php , json, , rest, unable example close needs.

what ways through communication can carried out android app fast possible?

if php , json solution, how implement in android? examples?

your architecture seems pretty straight forward. have database on server, , webserver hosting php web application have implement rest api, transferring , receiving json on wire, there's nothing spectacular or innovative this. if want speed things framework symfony provide built in jsonresponse class classic json communication

on android side, have 2 choices: if use java use native org.json library encode java data json , use org.apache.http classes (like defaulthttpclient, httpget, httppost etc.) communication server. example here

if go cross platform solution apache cordova use normal javascript ajax calls xmlhttprequest, jquery $.ajax or angular's $http.


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