mp3 - Loading audio file from an URL in Lua -

i need load mp3 file url in lua.

i've tried doesn't work.

require "socket.http"  local resp, stat, hdr = socket.http.request{   url     = "", }  local audiofile = audio.loadsound(resp) 

any ideas?

the request function "overloaded" (in terminology of other languages). detailed in documentation, has 3 signatures:

local responsebodystring, statusnumber, headertable, statusstring    = request( urlstring ) --  local responsebodystring, statusnumber, headertable, statusstring    = request( urlstring, requestbodystring ) -- post  local success, statusnumber, headertable, statusstring    = request( requestparametertable ) -- depends on parameters 

see documentation details, concerning error results.

for last form, lua syntax allow function called table constructor instead of single table parameter in parentheses. that's form , syntax using. but, incorrectly expect first return value response body. response body passed "sink" function optionally indicated in request parameter table, don't have.

try first form:

local resp, stat, hdr    = socket.http.request("") 


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