openlayers - Adding data to an open layers marker -

i'm using open street maps , open street layers , trying create map of tickets (markers) technician go marker , work , move next. able create marker , have onclick function fires. can't figure out how pull out information marker itself. creating markers like..

addpinvialonglat: function(icon, long, lat, popupstring) {     var icon_marker = new openlayers.icon(icon, null, null);    var marker = new openlayers.marker(new openlayers.lonlat(long, lat).transform(rapidschedulingmap.coor_from, rapidschedulingmap.coor_to), icon_marker);    var popup;'mouseover', marker, function(evt) {      popup = new openlayers.popup.framedcloud("popup",             new openlayers.lonlat(long, lat).transform(rapidschedulingmap.coor_from, rapidschedulingmap.coor_to),             null,             popupstring,             null,             false);;    });'mouseout', marker, function(evt) {        popup.hide();    });    rapidschedulingmap.bindclick(marker);    rapidschedulingmap.layer.addmarker(marker); }, 

i wondering if there way add data on click can reference marker.ticketnumber. haven't seen googling turned here. hope has ideas.

edit: found how remove specific marker in openlayer shows ability marker.xxxx , push markers array keep track of them all.

i found solution...

var marker = new openlayers.marker(new openlayers.lonlat(long, lat).transform(rapidschedulingmap.coor_from, rapidschedulingmap.coor_to), icon_marker); = data; 

then when click on marker able , pull object stored each marker. no need array keep track of values.


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