ruby on rails - Activeadmin ajaxing form with geocoder -

i have model relation of: event -> has many schedules schedule -> has 1 address

i wanted have textfield in address form allows user enter address , click 'search button', user can ajax select geocoder addresses.

however, can't seem create custom(non model related) textfield or button

form |f| f.inputs   f.input :title   f.input :category   f.input :avatar, :as => :file   f.input :description, as: :html_editor    #schedules   f.has_many :schedules |schedule|     schedule.inputs "schedules"        link_to("auto fill address", find_location_path)       #address       schedule.inputs "address", :for => [:address, schedule.object.address ||] |address|         address.input :full_address         address.input :city         address.input :country, :include_blank => true         address.input :postcode         address.input :latitude         address.input :longitude       end        #schedule times       schedule.input :start_time, :as => :just_datetime_picker        schedule.input :end_time, :as => :just_datetime_picker     end   end end f.buttons 



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