swing - Save Java GUI layout configuration (w/ a Desktop Pane) between uses -

i'm developing gui , have save layout information between sessions. specifically, if user runs gui, moves gui different part of screen, gui save screen location before closes next time opens open @ new screen location. same width , height (to preserve re sizing user make gui).

lastly, use desktop pane inside gui has multiple internal frames. love preserve layout (screen position, height , width, iconified (minimized) or not) of each internal frame.

my question is, there easy, built in way in java? or need manually. searched around couldn't find on topic.

i'm developing gui using netbeans gui editor. thanks!!

implement windowlistener , in windowclosing() call, save information gui properties system, store them file.

upon constructing gui, read properties file (if exists) , set properties of components want maintain attributes for.

make sure use different names each of internal frames don't overwrite properties.


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