vim - Toggle semicolon (or other character) at end of line -

appending (or removing) semicolon end of line common operation. yet commands a; modify current cursor position, not ideal.

is there straightforward way map command (e.g. ;;) toggle whether semicolon appears @ end of line?

i'm using command in vimrc append:

map ;; a;<esc> 

something work

nnoremap ;; :s/\v(.)$/\=submatch(1)==';' ? '' : submatch(1).';'<cr> 

this uses substitute command , checks see if last character semicolon , if removes it. if isn't append character matched. uses \= in replacement part execute vim expression.

if wan't match arbitrary character wrap in function , pass in character wanted match.

function! toggleendchar(chartomatch)     s/\v(.)$/\=submatch(1)==a:chartomatch ? '' : submatch(1).a:chartomatch endfunction 

and mapping toggle semicolon.

nnoremap ;; :call toggleendchar(';')<cr> 


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