android - Uninstall DevicePolicyManager app -

my app uses devicepolicymanager. if users want uninstall app have following steps:

settings -> location , security-> device administrator

deselect app , thay can uninstall it

i think not solution play store app. can these steps users in code can uninstall app launcher?

yes can. this:

  devicepolicymanager dpm;  componentname admin;           try           {             dpm = (devicepolicymanager) getsystemservice(context.device_policy_service);             admin = new componentname(youractivity.class, adminreceiveractivity.class);             if(dpm.isadminactive(admin))             {                 dpm.removeactiveadmin(admin);             }           }      catch(exception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();       }            {            intent intent = new intent(intent.action_delete);           intent.setdata(uri.parse("package:" + this.getpackagename()));           startactivity(intent)      } 


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