c - Main is usually a function? -

i question because doing basic program, , have warning when compilate it, says "warning: 'main' function"" , make error of syntaxis in same line. program palindrome, in spanish "capicua". help. program in c.

int t=10;  int cargarvector(char vec[t]); int escapicua(char vec[t]) int main() {                            //here error!!     char vec[t];     cargarvector(vec);     escapicua(vec);     return 0; } int cargarvector(int vec[t]) {     int i=0;     printf("ingrese letra");     aux=getche();     while(aux!='.'&&i<t)     {         while(aux<'a'||aux>'z')         {             printf("error, ingrese letra del abcdario")             aux=getche();         }         vec[i]=aux;         i++;         printf("ingrese letra");         aux=getche();     }     r=i;     return 0; } int escapicua(char vec[t]) {     int i,c;     for(i=0;i<(t/2),i++)     {         if(vec[i]!=vec[(t-1)]            {                c++            }            if(c>0)             {                 printf("no es capicua");             }             else             {                 printf("es capicua")             }      }     return 0; } 

this because forgot put semicolon after forward declaration on previous line:

int escapicua(char vec[t]); //           here ------- ^ 

note array size , parameter names ignored in function declarations, declaration below equivalent:

int escapicua(char[]); 


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