ClojureScript and size for Mobile app -

i have generall concern. wrote simple viewpager in html/css/javascript allows me swipe between "pages" using viewpager in android and/or iphone. required javascript less 1kb. when converted clojurescript, resulting code optimizations , lack of pretty printing, ended @ around 62kb.

what i'm concerned with, clojurescript big , more regular javascript, full fledged mobile application, slow.

can put mind @ ease? have experience this?

there's quite bit of clojure's data structures , core library functions have compiled js, of 60kb. wouldn't worry javascript size since in mobile apps other assets (i.e., images) dominate size. speed, usual rules apply: careful dom manipulations , layout/repaint.

for it's worth, the weathertron ios application written clojurescript + angular.js , performs fine.


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