json - Get Sharepoint 2013 List Items data from certain fields with javascript and REST -
i'm trying list item data columns(fields) list.
from understand need internalname of fields want pull list data from.
edited include $expand both field , item information in 1 rest response:
edited include loop i'm using create options. i'm storing data in value, separating ?'s , splitting data html table when selected.
function execcrossdomainrequest() { var executor; executor = new sp.requestexecutor(appweburl); executor.executeasync( { url: appweburl + "/_api/sp.appcontextsite(@target)/web/lists/getbytitle('weights%20and%20thickness')" + "?$select=fields,items&$expand=fields,items&@target='" + hostweburl + "'", method: "get", headers: { "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" }, success: ondatareturned, error: onerror } ); } function ondatareturned(data) { var jsonobject = json.parse(data.body); var resultsfields = jsonobject.d.fields.results; var resultsitems = jsonobject.d.items.results; var calculatehtml = ''; (var = 0; < results.length; i++) { calculatehtml = calculatehtml + "<option value='" + results[i].mvof + "?" + results[i].oc4d + "?" + results[i].ngot + "?" + results[i].iv4s + "?" + results[i].j6i7 + "?" + results[i].odata__x006c_yg2 + "?" + results[i].odata__x006f_po9 + "'>" + results[i].title + "</option>"; } document.getelementbyid("selectpiecedropdown").innerhtml = calculatehtml; }
i want display data in movf, oc4d, ngot, iv4s, , j6i7 fields of items results. there ~20 more fields each items result removed them brevity. json response:
{ d: { __metadata: {...}- fields: { results: [64] 0: {...}- 1: {...}- 2: {...}- 3: {...}- 4: {...}- 5: {...}- 6: {...}- 7: { __metadata: {...}- internalname: "mvof" staticname: "mvof" title: "thickness" } } items: { results: [32] 0: { title: "#10 - regular" mvof: 0.178 oc4d: 1.96 ngot: null iv4s: null j6i7: null odata__x006c_yg2: null odata__x006f_po9: null } } } }
how able internalname of field, , access fields data items results? have tried: var internalthickness = resultsfields[7].internalname;
trying use that: resultsitems.internalthickness
returned 'undefined'
thank you, i've learned lot responses here, , links documentation. i'm having trouble piecing one.
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