How to build a Recursive Program in VB.NET 2008 using Textboxes, Buttons, etc -

i learning 2008. have come across situation

i want build recursive program factorial of number or fibonacci series 1st 50 terms, using tools windows in 2008. eg., type number in text box, click on button , output of factorial of number displayed on label. inner code should implemented in recursive way , not using simple loops only.

i not finding proper way solve this.

please, me out.

thanks lot.

you can use recursive function calls itself.

private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles     label1.text = factorial(clng(textbox1.text)) end sub function factorial(byval number long) long     if number <= 1         return (1)     else         return number * factorial(number - 1)     end if end function 


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