neo4j - Can't recreate just deleted node with UniqueNodeFactory -

i created node uniquenodefactory , relationship uniquerelationshipfactory. deleted the node neoeclipse , tried recreate same node , no exception , node it's not recreated again. knows happening?

public node getorcreatenodewithuniquefactory(final index<node> nodeindex, final string indexablekey,final string indexablevalue) {     uniquefactory<node> factory = new uniquefactory.uniquenodefactory( global.graphdb.getgraphdbservice(), nodeindex.getname())     {         @override         protected void initialize(node created, map<string, object> properties) {             created.setproperty(indexablekey, properties.get(indexablekey));         }     };      return factory.getorcreate( indexablekey, indexablevalue ); }      public relationship getorcreaterelationshiptypewithuniquefactory(index<relationship> index, string indexablekey, final string indexablevalue,                      final relationshiptype type, final node start, final node end) {      uniquefactory<relationship> factory = new uniquefactory.uniquerelationshipfactory(index) {         @override         protected relationship create(map<string, object> properties) {             relationship r =  start.createrelationshipto(end, type);             return r;         }     };      return factory.getorcreate(indexablekey, indexablevalue); } 

i can't reproduce issue. there's new node created second time around. full source code. , try method "getorcreatewithoutcome" on uniquenodefactory see whether created or not.


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