r - Makefile gives strange error while compiling markdown file into .docx file -

i having problems makefile creating docx file rmd using r. here make file, patially works fine, except last part:

all: ibn_paper.pdf; cabg_n_cor_draft.docx ibn_paper.md: rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('ibn_paper.rmd')" ibn_paper.pdf: ibn_paper.md pandoc -h format.sty -v fontsize=12pt --bibliography ibn_refs.bib ibn_paper.md -o ibn_paper.pdf cabg_n_cor_draft.docx: ibn_paper.md     pandoc -s -s -v fontsize=12pt --bibliography ibn_refs.bib ibn_paper.md -o cabg_n_cor_draft.docx  clean:      @-rm -r *.md  

and code works , creates @ end error:

make: cabg_n_cor_draft.docx: no such file or directory make: *** [all] error 1  exited status 2. 

how can solve problem? many beforehand.

try remove semicolon in first line. wanted let all depend on 2 files. semicolon separates recipe list of prerequisites. @ makefile rule syntax


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