Titanium: ListView load remote images -

i've got below bit of code pull list of users facebook contacts along profile picture, images not loading each user, showing images few users.

fb.requestwithgraphpath('me/friends', {         fields : 'first_name,last_name,id,installed,picture.width(120).height(120),gender'     }, 'get', function(e) {         if (e.success) {             var d = json.parse(e.result);             var pdata = [];             var idata = [];             var row = d.data;             row = row.sort(sortbyname)             (var = 0; < d.data.length; i++) {                 var img = row[i].picture.data.url                 if (row[i].installed) {                     pdata.push({                         properties : {                             title : row[i].first_name + " " + row[i].last_name,                             id : row[i].id,                             image : img,                             gender : row[i].gender,                             accessorytype : ti.ui.list_accessory_type_disclosure                         },                         template : ti.ui.list_item_template_default                     });                 } else {                     idata.push({                         properties : {                             title : row[i].first_name + " " + row[i].last_name,                             id : row[i].id,                             image : img,                             accessorytype : ti.ui.list_accessory_type_disclosure                         },                         template : ti.ui.list_item_template_default                     });                  }             }             var play = ti.ui.createlistsection({                 headertitle : 'play facebook friends',                 items : pdata             });              var invite = ti.ui.createlistsection({                 headertitle : 'invite facebook friends',                 items : idata             });             var listview = ti.ui.createlistview({                 sections : [play, invite],             });             self.add(listview)         } else {             alert("facebook error");         }     }) 

the images stored in var img = row[i].picture.data.url , pushed data array part of image : img not images loading.

is there way force images load? , show default image whilst loading?

here link complete example trying accomplish abaove



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