c# - Open new database connection in scope of TransactionScope without enlisting in the transaction -

is possible open new sqlconnection inside transactionscope, without referencing other connection in transaction? inside transaction, need run command should not take part in transaction.

void test() {     using (var t = new transactionscope())     using (var c = new sqlconnection(constring))     {         c.open();         try          {              using (var s = new sqlcommand("update table set column1 = 1");              {                    s.executescalar();  // if fails              }              t.complete();         }         catch (exception ex)         {              saveerrortodb(ex);  // don't want run in same transaction         }     } }  // don't want involved in transaction, because generate // distributed transaction, don't want. want error go // db not caring run inside transactionscope of previous function. void saveerrortodb(exception ex) {     using (var db = new sqlconnection(constring)) {           db.open();            using (var cmd = new sqlcommand("insert errorlog (msg) values (" + ex.message + "))           {                 cmd.executenonquery();           }     }  } 

found myself finally:

the other sqlconnection must initialized "enlist=false", connection not enlisted in same transaction:

using (var db = new sqlconnection(constring + ";enlist=false")) { ... 


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