ios - Phonegap 3.0 app with facebook login using xCode -

i trying build phonegap app facebook login. using phonegap 3.0, developing xcode ios.

i followed steps on

after start app in simulator, keep getting following error in output:

error: plugin 'org.apache.cordova.facebook.connect' not found, or not cdvplugin. check plugin mapping in config.xml. 

my config.xml:

<feature name="notification">     <param name="ios-package" value="cdvnotification" /> </feature>  <feature name="org.apache.cordova.facebook.connect">    <param name="org.apache.cordova.facebook.connect" value="facebookconnectplugin" /> </feature> 

can please me this? in advance!

earlier had same problem, got running on phonegap 3.0 through combination of below things.

  1. need use facebook sdk 3.2.

  2. i found few branches of plugin have wrong 'cdv-plugin-fb-connect.js' file. need find branch defines cdv var.

  3. need pay special attention key definition have entered in plist file , make sure matched values in facebook app page.

  4. defining plugin in config.xml answer above necessary


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