Java Syntax Error -

what wrong code? have error concerning scanner part of it. have add "more details be4 can post question, it.

import java.util.scanner class rectangle {   double width;   double length;   double findarea(double a, double b)   {     width=a;     length=b;     return a*b;   } } public class area {   public static void main(string args[])   {     {       system.out.println("enter dimensions of square.");       scanner x = new scanner(;       scanner y = new scanner(;     }     {       rectangle objrect = new rectangle();       system.out.println(objrect.findarea(x, y));     }   } } 

you passing 2 scanner objects method findarea expects 2 double values; won't work. should have 1 scanner object, should able obtain double values can pass in findarea method.


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