osx - Why is Xcode's Search Navigator pulling searches from Safari? -

i have safari open while working on project in xcode, looking stuff on stack overflow , like. few times, i've searched in web address/search engine field of safari, , word or 2 typed in , entered search navigator in xcode, though didn't type in there. doesn't every time.

edit: text entered in through search navigator can pop in safari too.

this doesn't cause problems, words picks don't seem have relevance, , i'm curious why oddity happening.

i'm running xcode 4.6.3, safari 6.0.3, , mac os x 10.8.4

is glitch? half-baked feature?

what seeing os x global find pasteboard in action. anywhere private class nsfindpanel invoked (typically in conjunction text field) global pasteboard invoked , provides single, central location 'find' metadata includes recent query:

in addition communicating search strings via find pasteboard, standard find panel nstextview communicates search option metadata, including case sensitivity , substring matching options. metadata stored in property list nsfindpanelsearchoptionspboardtype value on global find pasteboard. such, third party applications may store additional keys in property list communicate additional metadata desired support various search options common many third-party applications' find panels.

from section "find panel search metadata" in nstextfield documentation on developer.apple.com

i believe design intent be, if you've performed search in 1 app, there reasonably high probability you'll doing same search in app, global find pasteboard acts syncing mechanism between find fields on disparate apps. coming other operating systems, appear odd behavior find capabilities of app sandboxed own process -- recent search term app-specific search term, not global shared space.

as far replication concerned, can trigger reported behavior coping text clipboard, pasting find field. when switch application application global find pasteboard update find nsfindpanel. why see going both ways between xcode , safari -- both use nsfindpanel, both reference global find pasteboard , sync when next time focus.

unfortunately, not user-configurable kind of setting; nsfindpanels have behavior , there not system preferences or defaults preference can set change behavior. consider filing issue apple @ bugreport.apple.com


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