javascript - sp.js get all lists by content type -

i have combed through sp namespace docs , not found go on.

i found snippet

          //// string variable store siteurl         string siteurl = "http://c4968397007/";          //// context sharepoint site access data         clientcontext clientcontext = new clientcontext(siteurl);          //// content type collection list "custom"         contenttypecollection contenttypecoll = clientcontext.web.lists.getbytitle("custom").contenttypes;          clientcontext.load(contenttypecoll);         clientcontext.executequery();          //// display content type name         foreach (contenttype ct in contenttypecoll)         {             console.writeline(;         }         console.readline(); 

which a lists content type.

my thought lists, content types, use id/title query lists data.
seems ton of work in display template.

am on right path or there i'm missing? sp wiz out there care weight in on new search/js architecture?

you may want use javascript library sharepointplus or popular spservices.

i think syntax of sharepointplus simplier , code like:

$sp().lists(function(list) {   (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) {     // list[i]['name'] contains name of list     $sp().list(list[i]['name']).get(/* */)   } }); 

you said content types. may want @ the info() function , check field name "contenttypeid".

fyi created sharepointplus library.


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