objective c - Changing bitrate on the fly in AVCaptureSession -

i developed functional live streaming app on ios biggest issue right quality of service. implemented rtsp protocol on phone send sr packets , handle rr packets qos informations. need find way change bitrate settings stream session on fly in order smooth stream.

currently can set own custom settings method :

(avassetwriterinput *)assetwriterinputwithmediatype:(nsstring *)mediatype outputsettings:(nsdictionary *)outputsettings 

however, outputsettings readonly need find way deal it.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) nsdictionary *outputsettings 

i saw livu app can it, there should way :)

so possible change bitrate of avcapturesession without restarting , configuring new avcaptureinput? saw can change defined presets want configure bitrate more accuracy.


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