php - Parsing data bug -
i have following code:
$_request[ 'lom' ] var_dump($_request[ 'lom' ]);
the result following json:
{ "id":0, "type":"root", "related_dropzone_id":0, "related_dropzone_order":0, "children":{ "1376071054231":{ "id":"1376071054231", "type":"section", "related_dropzone_id":0, "related_dropzone_order":1, "dropzones":{ "a":1376071054231 }, "options":{ }, "children":{ "1376071056267":{ "id":"1376071056267", "type":"section", "related_dropzone_id":1376071054231, "related_dropzone_order":0, "dropzones":{ "a":1376071056267 }, "options":{ } } } } } }
but when using "correct" following code:
$result = json_decode($_request[ 'lom' ]); var_dump($result); // result null
why doesn't convert json array?
i tested way not work:
$result = json_decode( "'" . $_request[ 'lom' ] . "'"); var_dump($result); // result null
<?php $so=$_request[ 'lom' ]; json_decode( $so, true, 9 ) $json_errors = array( json_error_none => 'no error has occurred', json_error_depth => 'the maximum stack depth has been exceeded', json_error_ctrl_char => 'control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded', json_error_syntax => 'syntax error', ); echo 'last error : ', $json_errors[json_last_error()], php_eol, php_eol;
first try code if taking syntax error may helps you;
$so = str_replace('"', '"', $_request[ 'lom' ]);
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