- PayPal IPN Sandbox response always INVALID -

i'm trying implement paypals ipn on website in using c#. using sample code given paypal found here:

i have enabled ipn on account url of ipn on site. url used in code can see in link above sandox url paypal testing.

i using ipn simulator , it's giving me "ipn sent response" on website displays invalid every time.

i have tried displaying strrequest string in label , shows me "&cmd=_notify-validate" without quotes. thought meant add part on rest of returned data paypal.

here button:

this button i'm using

<script src="paypal-button.min.js?merchant=myemail"                  data-button="buynow"                  data-name="name"                  data-quantity="1"                  data-amount="00.50"                  data-currency="gbp"                  data-shipping="0"                  data-tax="0"                  data-env="sandbox"                 data-return=""                 ></script> 

what going wrong?


so.. recap. have 2 sandbox accounts. 1 business , other personal. enabled ipn on business account. on website have button shown above. ipn page has exact same code sample code given ipn in paypal. got website, click buy button , make purchase using personal account sandbox business account. payment shows complete , shows sent code 200 in ipn history business account when check label entered on ipn page shows word invalid.



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