installer - what is Hex representation of MSIUSEREALADMINDETECTION? -

i need run installer admin , not system needs connect sql server database using windows authentication. based on research, need set msiuserealadmindetection property "1"

i figure these installer properties have hex representation shown in blog @

var msidbcustomactiontypeinscript = 0x00000400; var msidbcustomactiontypenoimpersonate = 0x00000800 

the script set value available here, not give hex representation of msiuserealadmindetection. know hex representation of msiuserealadmindetection? or has better solution editing installer post build?

you can find definitions of these kind of identifiers on machine in windows sdk directory. didn't mention vs version, start looking in c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\x.x\include. if have vs2012+ start looking windows kits. msidefs.h file of interest. contains:

// properties related uac #define ipropname_msi_uac_deployment_compliant text("msideploymentcompliant") #define ipropname_msi_use_real_admin_detection text("msiuserealadmindetection") 


// execution scheduling flags               // default execute whenever sequenced msidbcustomactiontypefirstsequence    = 0x00000100,  // skip if ui sequence run msidbcustomactiontypeonceperprocess   = 0x00000200,  // skip if ui sequence run in same process msidbcustomactiontypeclientrepeat     = 0x00000300,  // run on client if ui run on client msidbcustomactiontypeinscript         = 0x00000400,  // queue execution within script msidbcustomactiontyperollback         = 0x00000100,  // in conjunction inscript: queue in rollback script msidbcustomactiontypecommit           = 0x00000200,  // in conjunction inscript: run commit ops script on success  // security context flag, default impersonate user, valid if inscript msidbcustomactiontypenoimpersonate    = 0x00000800,  // no impersonation, run in system context 

you can tell msiuserealadmindetection not represented number, name of property. set property values msisetproperty(). more properties in this msdn section


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