oracle - PL/SQL calling a function inside a trigger -

i trying create function using oracle pl/sql stores current date variable. function called inside trigger. trigger (among other things) insert variable new table has been created. code complies , runs without errors, doesn't work. nothing happens. trigger on delete trigger, when delete 1 row original table, stays. clues missing? thank you.


    create or replace function get_date (i_stdid archive_student.stdid%type)     return date            v_date date;     begin        select current_date v_date dual;      return v_date;     end; 

function call inside trigger:

    create or replace trigger archive_deleted_student     after delete on student     each row     declare          v_date archive_student.change_date%type;     begin         -- other if statements here working         v_date := get_date(:old.stdid);         insert archive_student (change_date) values (v_date);     end; 

you doing well, check this sqlfiddle.

only 1 thing - missed stdid while inserting archive_student null after insert.


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