r - searchTwitter - search tweet but not handle -

trying dabble in doing basic sentiment analysis using twitter library , searchtwitter function. i'm searching tweets specific "samsung". can retrieve tweets below command:

samsung_t = searchtwitter("#samsung", n=1500, lang="en",cainfo="cacert.pem") 

this know return tweets containing hash-tag #samsung. however, if wanted search tweets containing "samsung" in them: give same command without "#"

 samsung_t = searchtwitter("samsung", n=1500, lang="en",cainfo="cacert.pem") 

this return tweets containing term "samsung" in them including handle. example: return tweet: "@i_love_samsung: r programming", irrelevant criteria. if wanted sentiment analysis on say, "samsung phones", i'm afraid data can skew results.

is there way can force searchtwitter in "tweet" not "handle"?

thanks lot in advance.

looking @ search api documentation , listing of available search operators, don't think twitter search api offers specific search capability (which seems kind of strange, frankly). think best bet run search tools available , filter out tweets don't match criteria results back.


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