android - How can I pass an audio file as input instead of recorded voice to Google search voice? -

the following code can recognise voice using google voice search when speak microphone.

how can pass audio file input instead of microphone google search voice?

private void startvoicerecognitionactivity() {     intent intent = new intent(recognizerintent.action_recognize_speech);     intent.putextra(recognizerintent.extra_language_model,             recognizerintent.language_model_free_form);     intent.putextra(recognizerintent.extra_prompt, "speech recognition demo");     startactivityforresult(intent, voice_recognition_request_code); }    @override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     if (requestcode == voice_recognition_request_code && resultcode == result_ok) {         // fill list view strings recognizer thought have heard         arraylist<string> matches = data.getstringarraylistextra(                 recognizerintent.extra_results);         mlist.setadapter(new arrayadapter<string>(this, android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1,                 matches));     }      super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data); } 

you cannot pass audio file through android speech recognition api (as of android v4.3).


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