android - How can I show mActionBar when it's invisible, and hide it when it's visible? -

my current code shows mactionbar.
how can switch hide or show , force?

@override public boolean onkeydown(int keycode, keyevent event) { if(keycode == keyevent.keycode_menu){   ; }else if(keycode == keyevent.keycode_back){     webview  mywebview = (webview)findviewbyid(;     mywebview.goback(); } return true; }        

as actionbar has isshowing() method, can use check if visible or not, , decide whether needs shown or hidden. code should work, haven't tested it.

private void toggleactionbar() {     if (mactionbar.isshowing()) {         mactionbar.hide();     }     else {;     } } 

then can replace in code snippet instead call toggleactionbar().


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