c# - Uploading image to server and reading the response -

i have posted image file server having php file.

i used following code :

void photochoosertask_completed(object sender, photoresult e) {     if (e.taskresult == taskresult.ok)     {          byte[] sbytedata = readtoend(e.chosenphoto);         string s = sbytedata.tostring();         webclient wc = new webclient();         uri u = new uri("http://example.com/file.php");         wc.openwritecompleted+=new openwritecompletedeventhandler(wc_openwritecompleted);         wc.openwriteasync(u, "post", sbytedata);      } }  public static void wc_openwritecompleted(object sender, openwritecompletedeventargs e) {     if (e.error == null)     {         object[] objarr = e.userstate object[];         byte[] filecontent = e.userstate byte[];          stream outputstream = e.result;         outputstream.write(filecontent, 0, filecontent.length);         outputstream.flush();         outputstream.close();         string s = e.result.tostring();       } } 

but how read response server returns image file , how display image ?


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