default_icon vs. icon creating Chrome Extension -

i have discovered weird scenario playing manifest file attempitng build chrome extension. using chrome version 28.0.1500.95 mac, , confused on how display extension icon on toolbar. have found multiple tutorials explain define "default_icon" : "icon_name.png" within "browser_action" associative array so: "browser_action" : { "default_icon" : "icon_name.png" } however, according documentation preferred use array: icons": { "16": "icon16.png", "48": "icon48.png", "128": "icon128.png" }

the documentation includes details original way (my first example) still supported: 19 x 19 icon reengineered view on particular display pixel density- can cause image lossy.

my question not images display when have complete setup, pastebin has manifest file extension manager not show 48 px image. have answered question of mine writing out- default_icon 19 x 19 still needs added manifest. icons array allows developers show top quality logos no matter devices users using :)

some forums discussed rebooting program- or restarting computer.

i did not add icon values,

"icons" : { "icon48.png" } 

from code. added 128 pixel image icon array icon visible in extensions manager. resulted default icon never displayed after added icons array. once finished adding image sizes needed default item appeared again.

it comes down basic principle there unlimited amount of ways solve problem. method scott sharedi did not know change way.

  • here 1 way.
  • another way.
  • my way.
  • and of course method scott shared.

thank you!


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