java - Grails password encrypt with rsa -

i want create module called user. module consists of name, username, phoneno, , password. want encrypt , decreypt password using rsa algorythm.


import java.math.biginteger; import;  /**  * simple rsa public key encryption algorithm implementation.  */  public class rsa {   private biginteger n, d, e;    private int bitlen = 1024;    /** create instance can encrypt using elses public key. */   public rsa(biginteger newn, biginteger newe) {     n = newn;     e = newe;   }    /** create instance can both encrypt , decrypt. */   public rsa(int bits) {     bitlen = bits;     securerandom r = new securerandom();     biginteger p = new biginteger(bitlen / 2, 100, r);     biginteger q = new biginteger(bitlen / 2, 100, r);      n = p.multiply(q);     biginteger m = (p.subtract(;      e = new biginteger("3");     while (m.gcd(e).intvalue() > 1) {       e = e.add(new biginteger("2"));     }     d = e.modinverse(m);   }    /** encrypt given plaintext message. */   public synchronized string encrypt(string message) {     return (new biginteger(message.getbytes())).modpow(e, n).tostring();   }    /** encrypt given plaintext message. */   public synchronized biginteger encrypt(biginteger message) {     return message.modpow(e, n);   }    /** decrypt given ciphertext message. */   public synchronized string decrypt(string message) {     return new string((new biginteger(message)).modpow(d, n).tobytearray());   }    /** decrypt given ciphertext message. */   public synchronized biginteger decrypt(biginteger message) {     return message.modpow(d, n);   }    /** generate new public , private key set. */   public synchronized void generatekeys() {     securerandom r = new securerandom();     biginteger p = new biginteger(bitlen / 2, 100, r);     biginteger q = new biginteger(bitlen / 2, 100, r);     n = p.multiply(q);     biginteger m = (p.subtract(         .subtract(;     e = new biginteger("3");     while (m.gcd(e).intvalue() > 1) {       e = e.add(new biginteger("2"));     }     d = e.modinverse(m);   }    /** return modulus. */   public synchronized biginteger getn() {     return n;   }    /** return public key. */   public synchronized biginteger gete() {     return e;   } } 

this domain user.groovy :

class user{      string name     string username     string phoneno     string password  } 

this usercontroller.groovy : (save , update )

class usercontroller {      static allowedmethods = [save: "post", update: "post", delete: "post"]      def index = {         redirect(action: "list", params: params)     }      def save = {         def userinstance = new user(params)         if (userinstance .save(flush: true)) {             flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'user'), userinstance .id])}"             redirect(action: "show", id: userinstance .id)         }         else {             render(view: "create", model: [userinstance : userinstance ])         }     }       def edit = {         def userinstance = user.get(         if (!userinstance ) {             flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'user'),])}"             redirect(action: "list")         }         else {             return [userinstance : userinstance ]         }     }      def update = {         def userinstance = user.get(         if (userinstance ) {             if (params.version) {                 def version = params.version.tolong()                 if (userinstance .version > version) {                      userinstance .errors.rejectvalue("version", "default.optimistic.locking.failure", [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'user')] object[], "another user has updated user while editing")                     render(view: "edit", model: [userinstance : userinstance ])                     return                 }             }             userinstance .properties = params             if (!userinstance .haserrors() && userinstance .save(flush: true)) {                 flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.updated.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'user'), userinstance .id])}"                 redirect(action: "show", id: userinstance .id)             }             else {                 render(view: "edit", model: [userinstance : userinstance ])             }         }         else {             flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'user.label', default: 'user'),])}"             redirect(action: "list")         }     } } 

what must add in save , edit controller when save form password encrypted when i'll edit form password decrypted? please me, because i'm new in java , grails, thank :)

similar springsecurity plugin, can use beforeinsert , beforeupdate event transformation on password. in method implement encryption.

class user {      transient springsecurityservice      string username     string password     boolean enabled     boolean accountexpired     boolean accountlocked     boolean passwordexpired      static constraints = {         username blank: false, unique: true         password blank: false     }      static mapping = {         password column: '`password`'     }      set<role> getauthorities() {         userrole.findallbyuser(this).collect { it.role } set     }      def beforeinsert() {         encodepassword()     }      def beforeupdate() {         if (isdirty('password')) {             encodepassword()         }     }      protected void encodepassword() {         password = springsecurityservice.encodepassword(password)     } } 


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