android - removing, restoring items in ListView and database -
i have listview
items added dynamically. when item added, added listview
, inserted sqlite database items in list can saved. can remove specific items getting postion if item , removing information.
this how add items (i use multiple classes):
in datamodel.class
public void additem(object data) { string string = string.valueof(data); mplanetslist.add(createplanet("planet", string)); history history = new history(); history.getdatahashmap().put("planet", data); history.addtohistorydb(); mhistorylist.add(history); if (null != monitemaddhandler) { monitemaddhandler.onitemadded(data); } }
in history
public void addtohistorydb() { mysqliteopenhelper mdbhelper = mysqliteopenhelper.getinstance(); sqlitedatabase db = mdbhelper.getwritabledatabase(); contentvalues values = getcontentvalues(); rawid = (int) db.insert(table_name, col_id, values); db.close(); }
this how remove items:
in datamodel
public void removeitem(int index) { if (mplanetslist == null || index < 0 || index >= mplanetslist.size()) { return; } // remove mplanetlist mplanetslist.remove(index); history history = mhistorylist.get(index); mhistorylist.remove(index); if (null != history) { history.remove(); history = null; } // notify, historyfragment update view if (null != monitemaddhandler) { monitemaddhandler.onitemremove(index); }
in history
public void remove() { mysqliteopenhelper mdbhelper = mysqliteopenhelper.getinstance(); sqlitedatabase db = mdbhelper.getwritabledatabase(); int r = db.delete(table_name, "_id = ?", // delete int r ?? new string[] { string.valueof(rawid) }); db.close(); }
when app in removed 'recent apps' or restarted, initlist()
called restored listview items database.
this code:
private void initlist() { mhistorylist = history.getlist(); (int = 0; < mhistorylist.size(); i++) { object obj = mhistorylist.get(i).getdatahashmap().get("planet"); mplanetslist.add(createplanet("planet", string.valueof(obj))); } }
public static arraylist<history> getlist() { cursor cursor = null; try { mysqliteopenhelper mdbhelper = mysqliteopenhelper.getinstance(); sqlitedatabase db = mdbhelper.getwritabledatabase(); string sql = "select * " + history.table_name; arraylist<history> list = new arraylist<history>(); cursor = db.rawquery(sql, null); if (cursor != null) { (cursor.movetofirst(); !cursor.isafterlast(); cursor .movetonext()) { history item = new history(); item.fromcuror(cursor); list.add(item); } } return list; } { if (null != cursor && integer.parseint(build.version.sdk) < 14) { cursor.close(); } } }
this method works fine long order of list not changed - can add items , removes items , works perfectly. however, items added top of list rather bottom.
so read around on how add items top of listview , found adding 0 position when adding item, new items go top of list.
mplanetslist.add(0, createplanet("planet", string)); // put 0 in wherever item added eg when adding database
when this, however, items viewed/deleted in listview not continue correspond data in database. example, lets add 3 items list: dog
. listview shows them in correct order (horse
@ top). if delete item, lets say: cat
, listview updates , everyting good. if restart app, initlist()
called. problem occurs - not cat
removed list, horse
or dog
possible points think problem be:
a) in initlist() - not adding correct items
b) in removeitem() - not removing correct items database.
c) in getlist() - maybe cursor???
this think b) more don't know problem or change too.
after little testing, found right b) goes wrong.
the steps reproduce:
create 3 items: cat
. listview
shows them in correct order ie horse
@ top, cat
@ bottom. database
shows them cat
@ top, horse
@ bottom.
when delete horse
(top of listview
, bottom of database
) listview
updates correctly, in database not horse
has been deleted in fact cat
so because of wrong removal, when database
used restore listview
, listview appears wrong.
i hope makes things clearer!
edit 2: how create table:
public static final string table_name = "history_table"; public static final string col_title = "title"; public static final string col_content = "content"; public static final string col_date = "date"; public static final string col_type = "type"; public static final string col_ongoing = "ongoing"; public static final string col_data = "data"; public static final string col_id = "_id"; public static final string database_create = "create table " + table_name + "(" + col_id + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + col_title + " text not null, " + col_content + " text not null, " + col_date + " text not null, " + col_type + " text not null, " + col_ongoing + " text not null, " + col_data + " text not null );";
this getcontentvalues():
public contentvalues getcontentvalues() { contentvalues values = new contentvalues(); values.put(history.col_title, "mytitle"); values.put(history.col_content, "mycontent"); values.put(history.col_date, "date placeholder"); values.put(history.col_type, "quicknote"); values.put(history.col_ongoing, "ongoing placeholder"); values.put(history.col_data, new jsonobject(mdatahashmap).tostring()); return values; }
edit 3:
i have narrowed down fact because order of items in listview , in database different, deleting items postition in list not work. possible solution invert order of items in database match listview (good idea / possible ?).
edit 3.1:
this order descending may help. don't know should put though
edit 3.5:
i have ordering working. deleting works, there problem first deletion doesn't work. rest work after that. sorting _id
, autoincrement
maybe starts @ 1 or 0 , list starts @ other. more research
there 2 list in app: mhistorylist
, mplanetslist
, should keep order of data itmes in them same.
you can add items top of listview
calling method additem
in datamodel:
public void additem(object data) { history history = new history(); history.getdatahashmap().put("planet", data); history.addtohistorydb(); mhistorylist.add(0, history); mplanetslist.add(0, history.createplanet()); if (null != monitemaddhandler) { monitemaddhandler.onitemadded(data); } }
then new data @ top of listview
after app restart, code below called:
private void initlist() { mhistorylist = history.getlist(); (int = 0; < mhistorylist.size(); i++) { mplanetslist.add(mhistorylist.get(i).createplanet()); } }
we should make sure data history.getlist();
has same order, in word, new data time in head of list.
so should change code (order _id desc
public static arraylist<history> getlist() { cursor cursor = null; try { mysqliteopenhelper mdbhelper = mysqliteopenhelper.getinstance(); sqlitedatabase db = mdbhelper.getwritabledatabase(); // order _id desc string sql = "select * " + history.table_name + " order _id desc"; arraylist<history> list = new arraylist<history>(); cursor = db.rawquery(sql, null); if (cursor != null) { (cursor.movetofirst(); !cursor.isafterlast(); cursor.movetonext()) { history item = new history(); item.fromcuror(cursor); list.add(item); } } return list; } { if (null != cursor && integer.parseint(build.version.sdk) < 14) { cursor.close(); } } }
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