- How to create jQuery function to validate custom validator on ASP checkbox list -

here code checkbox list: data bounded table

 <asp:checkboxlist id="cbl_appliancepresent" clientidmode="static"  cssclass="cbl_appliancepresent"                      runat="server" datatextfield="appliance" datavaluefield="applianceid" repeatdirection="horizontal">                  </asp:checkboxlist> 

here custom validator:

 <asp:customvalidator id="specifyappliances" clientidmode="static"   runat="server" enableclientscript="true" errormessage="please select      vacant-not secure reasons"  font-bold="true"      clientvalidationfunction="validatenotsecure" forecolor="red"       font-size="small"></asp:customvalidator> 


function validatenotsecure(source, args) {      var options = $('.cbl_appliancepresent');     (var = 0; < options.length; i++) {               if (options[i].checked) {         enablevalidator('specifyappliances');                     args.isvalid = true;         return false;                }     }     disablevalidator('specifyappliances');     args.isvalid = false; } 

if u want solved using jquery , without using custom validator here solution.

<body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <div id="chl1">      <asp:checkboxlist id="checkboxlist1" runat="server">             <asp:listitem>item1</asp:listitem>             <asp:listitem>item2</asp:listitem>             <asp:listitem>item3</asp:listitem>             <asp:listitem>item4</asp:listitem>         </asp:checkboxlist>         <asp:label id="label1" runat="server" text="" clientidmode="static"></asp:label>          <asp:button id="btncheck" runat="server" text="button" clientidmode="static" />      </div>     </form>     <script type="text/javascript">         $(document).ready(function () {            $("#btncheck").click(function () {                 var = 0;                 $(":checkbox").each(function () {                     if (this.checked) {                         = + 1;                     }                 });                 if (a == 0) {                     $("span[id$='label1']").text('please select');                     return false;                 }                                        });         });      </script> </body> 


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