java - Return type with try-catch-finally -

this question has answer here:

i have tried following code snippet:

private integer getnumber() {     integer = null;     try {         = new integer(5);         return i;     } catch(exception e) {         return 0;     } {         = new integer(7);     } } 

this method returns 5 , not 7.

why returns 5 , not 7?

thanks in advance.

this happens because finally block of try..catch..finally runs after code within try..catch has completed (be or not); in case of code when return i has occured.

because of behaviour value of i has been placed return variable of method before assign new value of 7 it. following work:

private integer getnumber(){   integer = null;   try {     = new integer(5);   }   catch(exception e){     = new integer(0);   }   finally{     = new integer(7);   }   return i; } 


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