Using hibernate to get 2 objects which both are linked with a logical foreign key (reference key) -

i new hibernate , tables follows:


  • userid (pk)
  • userfirstname
  • userlastname
  • userlogin
  • userpwd


  • orderid (pk)
  • userid (logical fk)
  • orderdate
  • orderremarks

my dao class's function:

public list<tborder> getuserordering(tborder tborder) throws exception{     criteria _criteria = getsession().createcriteria(tborder.class);      if(tborder.getuserid() != null)         _criteria.add(restrictions.eq("userid", tborder.getuserid()));     return (list<tborder>) _criteria.list();     } 

my entity class:

class tborder {     long orderid;     long userid;      public tborder(){      }     public tborder(long orderid, long userid){         this.orderid = orderid;         this.userid = userid;     }      public long getorderid() {         return orderid;     }     public void setorderid(long orderid) {         this.orderid = orderid;     }     public long getuserid() {         return userid;     }     public void setuserid(long userid) {         this.userid = userid;     } }  class tbuser{     private long userid;     private string userfirstname;     private string userlastname;     private string userlogin;     private string userpwd;      public tbuser() {      }      public tbuser(long userid, string userfirstname, string userlastname,             string userlogin, string userpwd) {         this.userid = userid;         this.userfirstname = userfirstname;         this.userlastname = userlastname;         this.userlogin = userlogin;         this.userpwd = userpwd;     }      public long getuserid() {         return userid;     }      public void setuserid(long userid) {         this.userid = userid;     }      public string getuserfirstname() {         return userfirstname;     }      public void setuserfirstname(string userfirstname) {         this.userfirstname = userfirstname;     }      public string getuserlastname() {         return userlastname;     }      public void setuserlastname(string userlastname) {         this.userlastname = userlastname;     }      public string getuserlogin() {         return userlogin;     }      public void setuserlogin(string userlogin) {         this.userlogin = userlogin;     }      public string getuserpwd() {         return userpwd;     }      public void setuserpwd(string userpwd) {         this.userpwd = userpwd;     } } 

it supposed tb_order.userid should set foreign key link tb_user, reasons, can't so.

however, here sitruation, want user's first name , last name has placed order id=1001, , order's date , remarks. normally, while googling while, tells me can try id.userid tb_user object, however, din't id class generated hibernate , supposed be. so, please advice me best way both order , user information? thanks!

try modifying dao class's function this:

public list <tb_user>   getuserordering(tborder tborder) throws exception{     criteria _criteria = getsession().createcriteria(tb_user.class);      if(tborder.getuserid() != null)         _criteria.add(restrictions.eq("userid", tborder.getuserid()));     return (list<tb_user>) _criteria.list();     } 

the list <tb_user> get, iterate , list of tb_user objects can user's first name , last name using getter methods.

note: assuming tborder tborder object passing has required userid inside it.


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