GZip completely breaks CSS -

i trying compress css file (foundation framework 4). file massive can speed website considerably, everytime gzip it, website loads if there no stylesheets @ all.

any please? <3

ignoring compressed css file behavior i'd expect. browsers don't know how unzip file, @ zipped file, don't know it, , "this css file malformed; i'm ignoring it". there ways make css file little smaller - stripping out unneeded whitespace - part you're stuck loading whole thing. if it's taking long load, find way simplify it.

how big css file, anyway? if it's big loading slows down page loads, that's kind of impressive. , user's browser should cache after it's been loaded once , not need download again on subsequent pages. slowing down not because of load time, because there many selectors parsing , applying them significant task? if so, improve things breaking css separate files, , load ones need on current page.


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