inheritance - How does c# System.Type Type have a name property -

i'm pretty sure related implementing interfaces , inheritance.

in c# how system.type class have property name? when example code of type class metadata or using object browser see type class doesn't have:

string name 

defined anywhere.

i see type inherits memberinfo , implements _type , ireflect (like this):

public abstract class type : memberinfo, _type, ireflect 

the base class memberinfo has property:

public abstract string name { get; } 

from know, has overridden in derived class because of abstract modifier. don't see in type...

then in _type interface there property:

string name { get; } 

and because in interface has no implementation of own either.

where name getting defined , how have value in system.type class? or not understanding how inheritance , implementing interfaces works class

notice system.type abstract class. means can overriden in subclass. in fact, can see types @ run-time not system.type's if this:

typeof(type).gettype().fullname; // system.runtimetype 

the system.runtimetype internal type won't see in documentation, does override name property. looks little this:

namespace system {     internal class runtimetype : type, iserializable, icloneable     {         ...         public override string name         {             { ... }         }     } } 

see note in official documentation:

type abstract base class allows multiple implementations. system provide derived class runtimetype. in reflection, classes beginning word runtime created once per object in system , support comparison operations.


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