phpmyadmin - Why am I getting "Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server"? -

this question has answer here:

i need run mysql (phpmyadmin) on lan. connection string:

function connection() mysqlconnection     'connect database     myconnection.connectionstring = "server=;" _  & "user id=root;" _  & "password=;" _  & "database=db1230018;"     '     return myconnection end function 

i error:

host '' not allowed connect mysql server

i have 2 pcs. 1 of them (windows 7 - runs wamp server (phpmyadmin) , application using above connection string. want run application on second pc (windows) using same database in define fixed ip on both pcs , disable firewalls. what's going on?

probably have no access rule defined root@ server refuses connection.

besides, have remove restriction bind address in config file.

here told how works:

grant privileges on *.* 'root'@'%' identified 'password' grant option; flush privileges; 

in mysql , remove line

bind-address = 

from /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

as said message server, might latter step isn't necessary longer. otherwise, message client unable connect server.


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