ruby - All Rails urls are returning error 500 -

i have rails app running on development vps ubuntu server apache , phusion passenger. i've developed app on local machine, app working flawless. deployed app, run bundle installs, runing same gem, rails, rvm , rake versions local machine , i've successfuly migrated database (sqlite).

but on vps, runing on development enviroment, of routes returning 500 error. googled 2 days , cannot , runing. development log returning 1 line is:

connecting database specified database.yml 

this database.yml set correcty, db/development.sqlite3 present on vps server.

development:   adapter: sqlite3   database: db/development.sqlite3   pool: 5   timeout: 5000 

i desperate now. have sqlite installed, same gems local machine,.. missing here?

have compiled assets?

rake assets:precompile 


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