c# - When I run application by installer, I am getting error as "Bad method token. " -

i working on c# windows form application. when run application through code works fine. creating installer of application. obfuscating exe. when installed installer , run application getting error as:

"bad method token." stack strace : @ system.runtime.compilerservices.runtimehelpers.preparedelegate(delegate d) @ system.appdomain.add_unhandledexception(unhandledexceptioneventhandler value) @ jb80w1fe10kqfu9dubj.irnkuefzdyqqy76x09t..ctor(exportfilteroptions , boolean )

any on issue appreciated.

this type of error related obfuscation problems, if calling method in .dll through invokemember. things try:

  1. as test, don't obfuscate , see if fixes problem. if so, know obfuscator-related.

  2. try different obfuscator. quality varies pretty greatly, 'community' , 'free' ones. commercial obfuscator production builds.

  3. as test, try without installer. installers put files in unexpected places can lead runtime errors. make sure files being installed in directories intend.

  4. make sure method parameters match in number , type if doing invokemember calls. if not match, runtime error result in code compiler had no way of validating.


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