ruby on rails - how to specify the view or controller for running javascript 'document.ready' -

i want run javascript bellow when page loaded.

$ ->   $.getjson '/memos.json', (data) ->     $.each( data ), (key,memo)->       $('#memos').append( "#{memo.title} #{memo.content}<br/>")  

but want run after 'users/show.html.erb' loaded. view bellow

<div id="memos"></div> 

i think there 2 approaches this. 1 specify views loaded, , second 1 specify controller.

i don't think writing javascript on erb file idea. there way implement them?



$ ->     .. 

on first line, translated

$(function() {   ... }); 

which shorthand jquery's

$(document).ready(function() {   ... }); 

which means script inside of function executed once dom ready.

so save javascript separate file let js/memos/index.js , within view app/views/memo/index.html.erb' have the` , on same file can include javascript javascript include tag.

the javascript executed once dom ready, meaning @ point have div.

more info on jquery's ready


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