Animation when add or remove item from GridView XAML -

how create own animation when item add or remove gridview? example change colour dark light.
if item grid:

<grid.transitions>         --> there can predefinied *themetransitions?         </grid.transitions> 

is other way this?

tim correct transitions pre-defined @ point. however, should able achieve scenario using storyboard. there several ways this, e.g. retemplating gridviewitem , adding new "loading"/"unloading" visual states. here simple way achieve scenario putting storyboard in itemtemplate:


    <gridview x:name="mygv">         <gridview.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <grid loaded="grid_loaded" x:name="templateroot" opacity="0" background="white">                     <grid.resources>                         <storyboard x:key="loadedstoryboard">                             <doubleanimation storyboard.targetname="templateroot"                                              storyboard.targetproperty="opacity"                                              begintime="0:0:1"                                              duration="0:0:5"                                              to="1" />                         </storyboard>                     </grid.resources>                     <textblock text="{binding}" fontsize="24" foreground="black" margin="40" />                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </gridview.itemtemplate>     </gridview> 


    private void grid_loaded(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         storyboard sb = ((grid)sender).resources["loadedstoryboard"] storyboard;         sb.begin();     } 

example source code hosted here:


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