javascript - How do I prevent PHP file from popping up after submitting contact form? -

right now, whenever click submit button on contact form on website, brings me page, rather running email.php in background want to.

the website supposed allow submit contact form, button fade away , fade in "your message has been sent!", fade button.


<form name="contact form" id='contact_form' method="post" action="php/function/email.php"> <div class="row half">     <div class="6u">         <input name="name" placeholder="name" type="text" class="text" />     </div>     <div class="6u">         <input name="email" placeholder="email" type="email" class="text" />     </div> </div> <div class="row half">     <div class="12u">         <textarea name="message" placeholder="message"></textarea>     </div> </div> <div class="row half">     <div class="12u">         <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="send message" class="button button-icon icon icon-envelope" />     </div> </div> <p id="success" style="display:none">your message has been sent! i'll soon!</p>         <p id="error" style="display:none">please fill in fields , try again!</p> 


 $(document).ready(function(){     $('#send_message').click(function(e){          //stop form submission & check validation         e.preventdefault();          // variable declaration         var name = $('#name').val();         var email = $('#email').val();         var subject = $('#subject').val();         var message = $('#message').val();         // disable submit button after form processed 1st time successfully.         $('#send_message').attr({'disabled' : 'true', 'value' : 'sending...' });          /* post ajax function of jquery data submission of form form sends values email.php*/         $.post("email.php", $("#contact_form").serialize(),function(result){             //check result set email.php file.             if(result == 'sent'){                 //if email sent successfully, remove submit button                  $('#submit').remove();                 //display success message                 $('#success').fadein(500);             }else{                 //display error message                 $('#error').fadein(500);                 // enable submit button again                 $('#submit').removeattr('disabled').attr('value', 'send message');             }         });     } });     }; 


<?php $name = $_post['name']; $email = $_post['email']; $message = $_post['message']; $from = 'from: example';  $to = '';  $subject = 'example contact form';  $body = " from: $name email: $email --------------- message: \n $message"; if ($_post['submit']) {                   if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) {      echo 'sent'; } else {      echo 'failed'; } } ?> 

the .click() event of <input type="submit"> isn't causes redirection. instead becomes .submit() event @ <form>.

you can either e.stoppropagation() doesn't reach <form>.

//stop form submission & check validation e.stoppropagation(); 

or preventdefault() of <form>'s .submit().

$('#contact_form').submit(function (e) {     e.preventdefault(); }); 

note: should consider moving code .submit() handler browsers support other ways of submitting <form> clicking <input type="submit">.


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