symfony - Is it possible to implement sonata_type_collection within sonata_type_collection? -

viewing post believe possible, don't know how has configured entities.

sonata admin bundle type collection customisation

i have admin files identical him. these other post found capability not supported sonata.

please, suggest figure out it!

update: (dour high arch)

 .../simbundle/admin/empleadoadmin.php protected function configureformfields(formmapper $formmapper) {       $formmapper         ->with('tecnico')            ->add('empleadotecnico', 'sonata_type_collection'),                              array('edit' => 'inline','sortable'=>'pos','inline' => 'table'))         ->end()         ;  }    .../simbundle/admin/tecnicoadmin.php protected function configureformfields(formmapper $formmapper) {     $formmapper         ->add('salariohora',null,array('label'=>'salario por hora:'))         ->with('experiencia')         ->add('experiencialaboral', 'sonata_type_collection', array('label'=>'experiencia laboral:'),                                                  array('edit' => 'inline','sortable'=>'pos','inline' => 'table'))         ->end()           ;    }     .../simbundle/admin/empexperiencialaboraladmin.php protected function configureformfields(formmapper $formmapper) {     $formmapper         ->add('nombrejefeinmediato',null,array('label'=>'nombre jefe inmediato:'))               ;    } 



class empempleado {

/**  *  * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="tecnico", mappedby="idempleado", cascade={"all"}, orphanremoval=true)  *  */ private $empleadotecnico; 



class tecnico {

/**  * @var \empempleado  *  * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="empempleado", inversedby="empleadotecnico")  * @orm\joincolumns({  *   @orm\joincolumn(name="id_empleado", referencedcolumnname="id")  * })  */ private $idempleado;  /**  *  * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="empexperiencialaboral", mappedby="idempleado", cascade={"all"}, orphanremoval=true)  *  */ private $experiencialaboral; 



class empexperiencialaboral {

/**  * @var \tecnico  *  * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="tecnico", inversedby="experiencialaboral")  * @orm\joincolumns({  *   @orm\joincolumn(name="id_empleado", referencedcolumnname="id")  * })  */ private $idempleado; 


when i'm trying add experiencialaboral, it's faild: fatal error: call member function getname() on non-object in

schema looks this:

empempleado --> (onetomany) --> tecnico --> (onetomany) --> empexperiencialaboral

(sorry, can't put image, first question , don't have 10 reputations)

no cannot have nested collection... limitation due how admin uniqid works. unique id used avoid clash between element sharing same admin.

for adminid not stack, have adminid , childadminid... in case need have childchildadminid ...


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