ruby on rails - model validation errors not rendered with render :action => "index" -

i working on simple youtube list app user can add videos list. validating presence of video_id field.

class track < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :title, :thumbnail_url, :video_id   validates :video_id, :presence => true end 

i have following create function defined in controller:

def create  #fetches video info, stores in @trackinfo if is_url(params[:track][:query])        @trackinfo = gettrackinfo(params[:track][:query]) else     @trackinfo = youtubequery(params[:track][:query])  end #use @trackinfo create track object @track = @tracks = track.all @video_ids = track.pluck(:video_id)   if  else     render :action=>"index" end 


in index.erb.html have following block:

<%= render partial: "error_message" %> 

the corresponding _error_message.erb.html contains error messages validation:

    <% if @track.errors.any? %>         <% @track.errors.full_messages.each |msg| %>             <%= msg %><br>         <% end %>     <% end %> 

the problem when validation fails, not able see error message rendered view. logged messages right before entered render index, , able see messages:

from controller:

if  else     puts "#{@track.errors.full_messages}" #i able see     render :action=>"index" end 

i dont know happens during render causing error messages not displayed, on server logs _error_messages.erb.html has been rendered, dont see happen page. feel have missed obvious. knows should do?


i think resolved issue, im not sure if fix proper. forgot mention on main index.erb.html have search bar , submit buttom embedded in ajax form calls create function inside controller

<%= form_tag(@track, :remote=>true, :method => :post,  :class => 'new_track') %>     <%= text_field_tag "track_query", nil, :placeholder => 'enter query or link', :id => "search_bar", :name => "track[query]", :size => 30, :required => true %>     <%= submit_tag "add" , :name => 'commit'%> </p> <% end %> 

i have error div in same page (i deleted render partial , stuck empty div populated in index.erb.html):

<div id = "error_message"> </div> 

in file create.js.erb, added following lines:

<% elsif @track.errors.any? %> if($.trim($("#error_message").html())==''){     <% @track.errors.full_messages.each |msg| %>         $('#error_message').hide().append('<%= msg %>');     <% end %>          $('#error_message').fadein(); } $('#search_bar').val(''); 

it seems when remove render :action=>"index" create function in controller, error messages able displayed on index page. hoping not put processing on client javascript side , more on controller side. there way this? still wondering why render did not render partial html. because form ajax , wont render whole page? apologize if dont know im talking :)


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