multithreading - C# - Windows Service, thread, timer - not run -

this code windows service...but unfortunately, method mytimer_elapsed() invoked when @ least 60 sec. after starting service. why not start after switching service?

public partial class myservice : servicebase {     private system.threading.thread myworkingthread;     private system.timers.timer mytimer = new system.timers.timer();      protected override void onstart(string[] args)     {         myworkingthread = new system.threading.thread(preparetask);         myworkingthread.start();     }      private void preparetask()     {         mytimer.elapsed += new system.timers.elapsedeventhandler(mytimer_elapsed);         mytimer.interval = 60000;         mytimer.start();         system.threading.thread.sleep(system.threading.timeout.infinite);     }      void mytimer_elapsed(object sender, system.timers.elapsedeventargs e)     { code prepare binary db files     binarydb rdr = new binarydb();     rdr.readfile(...)     }  } 

it because timer interval set 1 minute. see below code in preparetask

mytimer.interval = 60000; 

you can set appropriate value. or if want code return once @ start , after every 60 seconds should call once in onstart method. like

protected override void onstart(string[] args) {     // other initialization stuff...     evalutatechangeconditions ();     // create thread , tell executed.     myworkingthread = new system.threading.thread(preparetask);      // start thread.     myworkingthread.start(); } 


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