search - ldap returns on subtree and one level, but not base -

on active directory can subtree , 1 level ldap search using following filters:

base dn: cn=users,dc=local,dc=tld filter: (samaccountname=dummyaccount) 

the dummyaccount in users container. can explain me why one-level , subtree work whereas base not? there can base find object?

when perform base ldap search, reading properties of object specify base dn, nothing else.

a base search useful if want read properties of single object , know dn. in case, set base dn dn of object, specify attributes you'd retrieved , provide "dummy" search filter ( because filter cannot ommited ) - (objectclass=*).

you can of course use filter ensure dn reading conforms expectations: might know dn, want ensure object reading user, i.e. then, search filter may used.


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