Spring @Cacheable with SpEL key: always evaluates to null -

i having problem @cacheable , using custom key based on spring expression language. have following code

@cacheable(value = "mycache", key = "#providerdto.identifier") clientvo loadclientvobyproviderdto(providerdto providerdto); 

this throwing following error

org.springframework.expression.spel.spelevaluation exception: el1007epos 0): field or property 'identifier' cannot found on null 

the providerdto argument not null, have verified many times. docs should work confused. docs give following example

@cacheable(value="books", key="#isbn.rawnumber") 

i have tried static method. throws nullpointerexception because providerdto null here.

public static string cachekey(providerdto providerdto)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              return providerdto.identifier + "-" + providerdto.clientid + "-" + providerdto.clubid;                                                                                                                                                                             } 

how can debug find out happening? spring 3.2.4-release. @cacheable tag on interface, using standard spring aop , not aspectj far understand should still work fine.

possible duplicate of spelevaluationexception: el1007e:(pos 43): field or property 'group' cannot found on null , spring @cacheable ehcache, spel find null valid object – believe compile without debug information. please check maven configuration; might want post relevant bits here. search pom (or parent pom) maven-compiler-plugin , line such as:



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