swap - stop emacs swapping windows when setting breakpoints -

context: gnu emacs 23.2.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, gtk+ version 2.20.1) running on debian 6.0.7.

when running pdb (m-x pdb), emacs switches buffer in window when set breakpoint. i've searched internet , here, , haven't yet found way stop this. here's scenario:

i'm using wide window split hoirizontally side-by-side working. once i've started pdb (m-x pdb) python file, have 1 window has debug session (indicating gud-pathfile.py). other window has pathfile.py source file. each time click on line in source , click on red "set breakpoint" button, windows swap (if .py file in right window, it's in left, etc.).

thank time , help.

blessings, doug

here's standard solution. makes easy restore previous window configuration.

(winner-mode) (global-set-key (kbd "<f7>") 'winner-undo) (global-set-key (kbd "c-<f7>") 'winner-redo) 


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